All odds point to a recession. Some say it is on its way, others have claimed the threat is already on our doorstep. With global supply chain issues, gas prices hitting consistent all-time highs, and the looming threat of food shortages, 2022 isn’t exactly expected to end on a high note.
Gas Price Props
That being said, there are a few ways that 18+ political betting enthusiasts can secure some extra pocket cash in the last quarter of the year. Across several of the nation’s top sportsbook sites, you can find current events odds to put that existential anguish to good use.
Gallon of Gas US National Avg on July 31st
- $4.25-$4.49 -110
- $4.50-$4.74 +250
- $4.00-$4.24 +450
- $4.75-$4.99 +700
- Less than $4 +2500
- $5-$5.24 +3000
- $5.25-$5.49 +8000
- $5.50 or Higher +25000
If you took your car out on the road in the past weeks, you might have noticed that gas prices are back on the decline. It started slow but, after 35 days of incremental reductions, the national average is finally below $4.50.
While true that prices that were once unprecedented have become a steal for thrifty consumers, it is unclear how long this price break will last.
Oil And Overpopulation
Oil Price (Barrel) July 31st at Close
- Over 100.5 $USD -120
- Under 100.5 $USD -120
At the time of this article’s publishing, the price of a barrel of crude oil sits at approximately $104.22. Despite decreases in cost on the consumer side, top energy suppliers are still paying the same premiums.
Many have suggested that the price cuts are intended to prevent the threat of a full-scale depression. But gasoline costs aren’t the only point of concern for global officials.
Despite a declining birth rate in the US and beyond, the world is about to surpass its next population milestone. As of today, the Earth’s population is approximately 7.96 billion individuals.
Now, online entertainment odds have surfaced that suggest that the globe will hit 8 billion human inhabitants by the end of the year. You can check out the lines below.
When Will The World Population Reach 8 Billion?
- On Or Before November 15, 2022 -220
- After November 15, 2022 +155
Will India Be The Most Populated Country In The World On July 2, 2023?
- Yes -120
- No -120
Seeing that the world population has grown by over 44 million in the past six and a half months, a bet on the “after” prop could be quite lucrative. Still, the betting world is no stranger to such surprises.
India v. China
Heading down to the second population line, things start to look like a 50/50 gamble. China and India are nearly tied for the title of the most populated country. The two countries, alone, account for over a third of the global population.
While many have suggested that India will surpass China by 2023, others remain unconvinced. However, only time will tell.
You can find novelty odds like this at most 18+ mobile sports betting sites. If you need help getting started with a provider, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got everything you need to become a sportsbook aficionado.
Odds Courtesy of BetOnline and Bovada
Source: The Washington Post